Learn To Paint With Wool - An Introduction To Wet Felting
Learn To Paint With Wool - An Introduction To Wet Felting
Learn To Paint With Wool - An Introduction To Wet Felting
Learn To Paint With Wool - An Introduction To Wet Felting

Learn To Paint With Wool - An Introduction To Wet Felting

Regular price $155.00
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Starting March, 2025...Private Classes Only!

I have decided to move my village studio to my home, which was 'added on to' in 2024. I will only be teaching private classes from here on out and welcome you or you plus up to 3 others to do this workshop here. OR, I can come your way!  You can order a class online with me and contact me directly to set up a time. I look foward to sharing my love of felting with you!

Wet felting involves the process of using water, soap and agitation to interlock the fibres of wool fibres together in order to form a textile or fabric. Wet felting art is often referred to as "painting with wool', as the effect of laying down fibres to design a scene looks much like what is achieved when using paint.

In this full-day class, participants will learn about the background and process of felting and apply these learnings to create their own, unique piece of art (approximately  14" x 16"). With a beautiful array of colours, there is no limit to the ideas that can be translated into a lovely picture!

I always attempt to make this day fun, educational and as indulgent a possible! My guests are greeted with coffee and/or tea, baked goodies and fruit. Then, at lunch, everyone is treated to a full and tasty lunch. All supplies are provided.

Class participants will go home with a completed piece of art, along with a foam pad, needle and extra wool so that they can embellish their works when dry.

Note: If you register for one of my classes, you will receive details about the workshop one week prior to our gathering. Students are asked to each choose a photo they want to use as inspiration for their piece.